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Marketing In The Park

I was out today doing some marketing in the park. It was hot, sunny, there was a nice breeze and I was out living my life, while enhancing it at the same time.

I remember the days when I was in my 24th floor Downtown Vancouver, Waterfront and Mountain View office, looking out at all the people living their lives. These people were boating, walking the seawall, lying in the sun, riding bikes, roller blading and flying about in planes.

Me, I was in a space that I thought “I had arrived” when I moved in to it; I did not get any sun, (except that which was reflected off of another building) fresh air, or exercise. I desired to be out there living my life with them, but I had to just be a spectator.

In our FREE Effective Marketing 101 program (, we talked about and taught how to do “Business Card Flyers” and that is what I was out doing today; placing these ads on car windows.

I have done this before, but I was always doing it with an outlook that I had to and as a result, I did not have much fun doing it. These days, I have a great time; I soak up the sun, listen to some great personal development on my MP3 and work from a position of being grateful to serve these people with some information that will enhance their individual lives.

The message is simple, on a business card size piece of paper, printed on both sides with the same message, I have printed; “If I work from my home part time and make and executive level income… so can you, I’ll prove it! 2 minute message, call now, 1-800-587-9046 ext 5036. If you don’t call, enjoy what you’re presently doing! You’ll probably be doing it forever!”

Simple, bold and to the point.

So what happens then you ask?

Well, simple, the people call the number, listen to a two minute message and if I have what they want, they leave me a message for me to contact them. This all takes place when I continue on my walk around the seawall, in the sunshine, living my life; just marketing in the park. Cool Huh?

Greg Nicholls

Marketing Success Is Based On How You Feel

When you are sitting down to create your marketing, believe it or not, your marketing success is based on how you feel at the time.

It would seem strange to think that how you feel would have anything to do with it, but I can assure you that it does.

If you are having fun and in a great mood when you write your ad, you will be using more fun and upbeat language. It will flow naturally and will have a good "vibe" about it.

If you are in a bad mood, you will be holding back from how you feel because you will know that your true feelings at the time would not go over too well, so your flow is unnatural, you will be forcing your writing and the language you will be using will not be conducive to attracting people to your message. In general, your ad would carry a "vibe" about it.

Now you have a better understanding that your marketing success is based on how you feel when you create your marketing materials.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises - Effective Marketing 101

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Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises - Effective Marketing 101

Delta Cable Television Features Greg Nicholls

For the month of May 2007, on Delta Cable Television, Greg Nicholls is represented as a local Home Business, Network Marketing entrepreneur. Greg Nicholls demonstrates expert knowledge in how to market a home based business, or small business on the Internet. The Taking Care of Business show is sponsored by the Delta Chamber of Commerce.

Greg generally featured his home business and focused on how it is that people will develop success through marketing their home and/or small business through Effective Marketing 101.

So if you live in North Delta, South Delta, Ladner, Tsawwassen, or Pt. Roberts; be sure to tune into Delta Cable Television on Thursday, Friday, or Sunday night, in the month of May, to catch the Taking Care of Business show.

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Here is an example of what it looks like showing you where the visitors are from for our site.

Locations of visitors to this page

As our site is still new, there may only be a few "dots", but as time goes on, be sure to check back to our site to see your "dot" appear on the map.