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Marketing Secret: Give, Give, Give

There is a marketing secret: give, give, give!

When you give, you get, it is natural commerce in life.

Today's society is quite hung up on the take, take take mentality, but if everyone is always taking and only few are giving, then the ones that are taking run out of things to take.

The reason the marketing secret is giving is people are looking for people to trust; this can be found when people freely give some of what they do to aid those that not looking to just take, but trade.

This is called Win-Win; the customer wins and the marketer wins, aka: Natural Commerce.

So, if you are wondering if there is a Marketing Secret, well, yes there is, it is called Give, Give, Give.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. Allow me to give you something; if you subscribe to my free Newsletter by filling out the form at the top of this page, I will send you a great amount of information on marketing your business, to assist you in winning.

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