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There Are No Marketing Guru’s

There are no Marketing Guru’s; there are people who take action, people who talk about taking action and those that do not even know what action is.

Which type of person are you?

Well, you are likely either a person who takes action, or talks about taking action because the people that do not even know what action is, are likely entertaining themselves with T.V. right now.

Effective Marketing 101 is all about taking action; learning that you do not have to be some Internet Marketing Guru in order to be effective at marketing your business, product, or opportunity on the Internet.

Effective Marketing is taking action on information that you have learned, or acquired, from someone that has taken the time to pass enough of what they know along to you, so you may now have enough confidence to take action on it.

Effective Marketing is simple and it is easy, but it does take action on what you have learned, otherwise you are in exactly the same place as you were before.

While we are here to pass on some incredible insights into the marketing world and how it can work in your favour, now it is up to you to take this incredible insight and make money from it.

If you don’t, your competition will.

Here is the thing, action does it and whatever it is you do does not even need to be that great, it just has to be out there.

A crappy ad in front of a million people will do better than an awesome ad in front of nobody.

Take action today, you know you can!

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Nicholls Enterprises


PS. The reason there are no Marketing Guru’s is because we all have the same resources to pull upon; only some people have gone a bit before you to learn what you can easily learn in a matter of weeks if you are persistent enough and if you are lucky, you will find someone like me that is willing to pass along all the info you need to make sense of it all.

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises –

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