You Can Get $2,500 - $3,500 Worth Of Effective Marketing Info. Enroll Today!

Your Copy Of Our Webinar

If you missed out on the Webinar and want to find out some secrets on how to market your business doing Pay-Per-Click marketing and avoid making the mistakes that are only too common and result in costing people money unnecessarily.

Enjoy the presentation and be sure to stick around to take advantage of some great offers.

Click Here To View The Webinar

Coupon Codes are as follows:
Monthly Membership: "monthly"
Lifetime Membership: "lifetime"

In Your Service,

Effective Marketing Training Series

Join Our Free Pay Per Click Marketing Webinar Today! - Thursday September 20, 2007 4pm Eastern Time

Pay-Per-Click Marketing - What Most Marketers Do Not Know And Costs Them Thousands Of Dollars.

Join us for a Webinar on September 20

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

In this program you will learn what you need to know to save yourself thousands of dollars in Pay-Per-Click marketing.

Join Matt Hempel and Orsini Sanchez, as they reveal to you some of the closely guarded secrets in the marketing world.

Simply register today to immediately benefit from this incredible information.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing - What Most Marketers Do Not Know And Costs Them Thousands Of Dollars.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.3.9 (Panther®) or newer

Team Success Webinar

Would you like us to host a FREE TRAINING WEBINAR for your team call or business meeting? We would be happy to!
What subject of Marketing would you like to have presented? We will be happy to present for up to one full hour, using Webinar (Web Based Seminar) technology so you can not only hear, but see what is being demonstrated.

Visit our Contact us Section on our website,
to "Contact Us" today...

Team Success Call - YouTube

Join us for a Webinar on August 9

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Learn About YouTube and how to market your business using it.

Team Success Call - YouTube

Thursday, August 9, 2007

6:30 PM - 7:00 PM PDT

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.3.9 (Panther®) or newer

Effective Marketing Training Series Testimonial

Tillman B. - Columbus, Ohio

Want to thank-you for putting together Effective Marketing 101 & 201...when I started my business, the one thing that was the most difficult for me was the marketing, not because I did not know what to do, but because I knew so much! I just did not know where to start...once you laid everything out in a step-by-step format I was able to get that going...fa nominal results, I've actually, probably, cut my spending budget in half with pay-per-click, just because of the tools and techniques that you've taught on your Effective Marketing Series, 101 and 201...there are a lot of people out there and when I run into them, I definitely point them to Effective Marketing and I let them know that these guys are for real and this is where you get the quality information to make effective change in your business!"

Effective Marketing Training Series Testimonial

Della C. - Ontario

"Want to thank-you for everything you are doing on your site, it is really helping me...insightful...well thought out...easy to do...I am getting results...doing it at really no cost to us."

Always Be Working From A Place Of Service

If I have learned anything, it is to always be working from a place of service. In other words, if you help enough people in the World get what they want, you will get what you want.

What you are marketing has value to people, not all people, but likely most of the people that you target your marketing towards. So be willing to ensure that you do more than they would expect you to do. This will build some well deserved trust and will likely form a long term relationship.

If you can give something to demonstrate that you are knowledgeable in your field, that you use your product or service yourself and that you on not just out to trick someone into giving you money, you will have great results.

Never just go out there to work for money, rather go out there to enrich someones experience, build up trust (as it is seemingly harder to trust people these days), work as hard for someone for free as you would when you are getting paid and when the time comes, understand that you have earned the right to do business together and at that time, be willing to receive and deposit the check. But remember, always be working from a place of service.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

PS. Feel free to comment on this article, or link this entry to your Blog, it will serve both of us when you do it.

Learn What An Opportunity Business Card Can Do For You

In one of our Effective Marketing 101 Training Series, we talk about Business Opportunity Cards. I like to think of this as "Hansel & Gretel Marketing."

If you think about it, leaving your opportunity cards as you move about your life is brilliant and very low cost.

First of all, this is what a Business Opportunity Card looks like:

Now, the way to use one is to virtually leave them as a "trail of bread crumbs" as you move about your life.

Personally, I find the best way to get results is to personally hand one to someone that you meet.

Next to that, the gas pump (put one in the credit card slot at the pump), the parking meter or machine (put one in the card slot and/or in the receipt tray) leave one with your waiter or waitress (what a tip!) put them in with your bill payment envelopes (live people open those up), stick one in the car window on the car parked on either side of your car, leave some at the gas station counter, put them in with brochure racks, leave some in Starbucks (at the till and by the creme and sugar), give one to the grocery store cashier.

As you can see, there are many places that these can be left behind. Give them out freely and do so with the intention that your opportunity is what the person that finds it has been looking for.

Business Opportunity Cards. I like to think of this as "Hansel & Gretel Marketing."

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Marketing In The Park

I was out today doing some marketing in the park. It was hot, sunny, there was a nice breeze and I was out living my life, while enhancing it at the same time.

I remember the days when I was in my 24th floor Downtown Vancouver, Waterfront and Mountain View office, looking out at all the people living their lives. These people were boating, walking the seawall, lying in the sun, riding bikes, roller blading and flying about in planes.

Me, I was in a space that I thought “I had arrived” when I moved in to it; I did not get any sun, (except that which was reflected off of another building) fresh air, or exercise. I desired to be out there living my life with them, but I had to just be a spectator.

In our FREE Effective Marketing 101 program (, we talked about and taught how to do “Business Card Flyers” and that is what I was out doing today; placing these ads on car windows.

I have done this before, but I was always doing it with an outlook that I had to and as a result, I did not have much fun doing it. These days, I have a great time; I soak up the sun, listen to some great personal development on my MP3 and work from a position of being grateful to serve these people with some information that will enhance their individual lives.

The message is simple, on a business card size piece of paper, printed on both sides with the same message, I have printed; “If I work from my home part time and make and executive level income… so can you, I’ll prove it! 2 minute message, call now, 1-800-587-9046 ext 5036. If you don’t call, enjoy what you’re presently doing! You’ll probably be doing it forever!”

Simple, bold and to the point.

So what happens then you ask?

Well, simple, the people call the number, listen to a two minute message and if I have what they want, they leave me a message for me to contact them. This all takes place when I continue on my walk around the seawall, in the sunshine, living my life; just marketing in the park. Cool Huh?

Greg Nicholls

Marketing Success Is Based On How You Feel

When you are sitting down to create your marketing, believe it or not, your marketing success is based on how you feel at the time.

It would seem strange to think that how you feel would have anything to do with it, but I can assure you that it does.

If you are having fun and in a great mood when you write your ad, you will be using more fun and upbeat language. It will flow naturally and will have a good "vibe" about it.

If you are in a bad mood, you will be holding back from how you feel because you will know that your true feelings at the time would not go over too well, so your flow is unnatural, you will be forcing your writing and the language you will be using will not be conducive to attracting people to your message. In general, your ad would carry a "vibe" about it.

Now you have a better understanding that your marketing success is based on how you feel when you create your marketing materials.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises - Effective Marketing 101

Free And Effective Marketing To Feed Your Website

Your Marketing Efforts Are To Feed Your
Website With Prospective Customers

(click on the image above to make it larger)

Learn how to do it all by taking the Effective Marketing Training Series.

Enroll Today!

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises - Effective Marketing 101

Delta Cable Television Features Greg Nicholls

For the month of May 2007, on Delta Cable Television, Greg Nicholls is represented as a local Home Business, Network Marketing entrepreneur. Greg Nicholls demonstrates expert knowledge in how to market a home based business, or small business on the Internet. The Taking Care of Business show is sponsored by the Delta Chamber of Commerce.

Greg generally featured his home business and focused on how it is that people will develop success through marketing their home and/or small business through Effective Marketing 101.

So if you live in North Delta, South Delta, Ladner, Tsawwassen, or Pt. Roberts; be sure to tune into Delta Cable Television on Thursday, Friday, or Sunday night, in the month of May, to catch the Taking Care of Business show.

You Can Learn Where People Visiting Your Webpage Are From...How Effective!

Check out "Cluster Maps" and register with them for free. It is amazing to see where the people that visit your site(s) are coming from.

Here is an example of what it looks like showing you where the visitors are from for our site.

Locations of visitors to this page

As our site is still new, there may only be a few "dots", but as time goes on, be sure to check back to our site to see your "dot" appear on the map.

Effective Marketing 101 Testimonial

Paul B - London, UK

"...this website is very professional...the content is effective and simple...helps people get results...a must for all professional marketers AND those just starting out in business...well done..."

Marketing Secret: Give, Give, Give

There is a marketing secret: give, give, give!

When you give, you get, it is natural commerce in life.

Today's society is quite hung up on the take, take take mentality, but if everyone is always taking and only few are giving, then the ones that are taking run out of things to take.

The reason the marketing secret is giving is people are looking for people to trust; this can be found when people freely give some of what they do to aid those that not looking to just take, but trade.

This is called Win-Win; the customer wins and the marketer wins, aka: Natural Commerce.

So, if you are wondering if there is a Marketing Secret, well, yes there is, it is called Give, Give, Give.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. Allow me to give you something; if you subscribe to my free Newsletter by filling out the form at the top of this page, I will send you a great amount of information on marketing your business, to assist you in winning.

There Are No Marketing Guru’s

There are no Marketing Guru’s; there are people who take action, people who talk about taking action and those that do not even know what action is.

Which type of person are you?

Well, you are likely either a person who takes action, or talks about taking action because the people that do not even know what action is, are likely entertaining themselves with T.V. right now.

Effective Marketing 101 is all about taking action; learning that you do not have to be some Internet Marketing Guru in order to be effective at marketing your business, product, or opportunity on the Internet.

Effective Marketing is taking action on information that you have learned, or acquired, from someone that has taken the time to pass enough of what they know along to you, so you may now have enough confidence to take action on it.

Effective Marketing is simple and it is easy, but it does take action on what you have learned, otherwise you are in exactly the same place as you were before.

While we are here to pass on some incredible insights into the marketing world and how it can work in your favour, now it is up to you to take this incredible insight and make money from it.

If you don’t, your competition will.

Here is the thing, action does it and whatever it is you do does not even need to be that great, it just has to be out there.

A crappy ad in front of a million people will do better than an awesome ad in front of nobody.

Take action today, you know you can!

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Nicholls Enterprises


PS. The reason there are no Marketing Guru’s is because we all have the same resources to pull upon; only some people have gone a bit before you to learn what you can easily learn in a matter of weeks if you are persistent enough and if you are lucky, you will find someone like me that is willing to pass along all the info you need to make sense of it all.

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises –

Marketing Is Education, Education Is Marketing

Marketing Is Education, Education Is Marketing; this really sums it up in a nutshell because when you look at it, the only reason why we are bombarded with advertising, is because when we move through our life and require something that a marketer has been hammering on us with, we will instantly pick up on their marketing phrase.

Example: if you are thirsty… "_____ is it!"

Example: if you are hungry… "Our _______ is open 24 hours."

Example: if you want healthier fast food… "_________, eat fresh."

In order for you to be able to fill in the blanks, you needed to be educated on them first, so when it came time to eat or drink, the first answer is the one they have programmed you with.

This is no different with the national chain repair shop, or the mobile phone provider with thousands of people standing behind you. The funny thing is you are already connecting who I am describing with my general description.

That is awesome and should certainly demonstrate to you that Marketing is Education and Education Is Marketing.

Now, to apply this to your business, figure out some attributes that people could and should be educated on so when they think about something that relates to your business, constantly demonstrate the message and they will think about you.

Write about it in a Blog, Ezine Article, Podcast, Newsletter, etc. and get it out there. The internet will take care of the first three and the fourth one can be fed names and emails from the first three.

Marketing Is Education, Education Is Marketing, learn much more about this by filling out the form at the top of this page, or by getting in touch with Greg Nicholls at 604-940-4289 or by email at, to learn more about Effective Marketing 101.

But Who Will Read My Blog Anyway?

If you are asking the question "but who will read my Blog anyway?" then you are missing the point.

The key to get people to read your Blog, or any publication, or writing you produce, is to provide value in what it is you are publishing.

Ask yourself...would I benefit from reading this if I did not know about _____?

If the answer is yes, then you are providing service, if the answer is no, then go back to the drawing board.

Writing is easy, when you have something to talk about that interests you.

My interest is showing people how they can make money while they work at home, following a very simple system that anyone can duplicate.

I also, like in this Blog, teach people how they can learn how to become and Effective Marketing contributer so they can promote their small business, or business opportunity.

The challenge is to trust in yourself, you are an interesting person and you will have an audience, as long as you take action, you will get results. If you choose to take action with the intent of assisting people towards attaining their goals, then you will be blown away by the results.

So, if you still have the question "but who will read my Blog anyway?" then write a Blog consistently and find out.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Are You Taking Effective Marketing Action?

The difference between people getting results in their businesses and those that are not, is action.

Are you taking Effective Marketing action?

There is some great knowledge being shared in the Effective Marketing 101 Training Series, just listen to some of our testimonials; those that are taking action and implementing the knowledge get results.

It is up to you, no matter what we share with you here will matter unless you choose to take action.

So start here: and get your Blog going.

If you want to learn some specific information about how to properly configure your Blog, then fill in the form at the top of this Blog.

Wanting success in not enough, so ask yourself, are you taking Effective Marketing Action?

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises -

Effective Marketing 101 Testimonial

Glen S - New Westminster, B.C.

"...the Clarity and Guidance that I have received through listening to this training series has just made everything just really, really easy...
...We have been given direct guidelines how to use various marketing methods and it has been put in terms that are very, very easy to follow... absolutely will have success with the methods that are being talked about here...
...had I had something like this back when I marketing results would have been amplified 5-10 fold...
...this is the call to be on...Greg and Matt they are just doing a fantastic job...
...plug into this Effective Marketing 101 Training Series and you will seen the results you intend to see...".

While you are listening to Glen, go to the top of this Blog and fill in the form today, so now you can begin to benefit from Effective Marketing 101.

Effective Marketing 101 Shows You How You Can Do What You Love And Make Money

When you do what you love and you share it with the World, with the intent of enriching other peoples lives, your life will naturally be enriched as a result. Effective Marketing 101 shows you how you can do what you love and make money.

The whole Effective Marketing 101 Training Series has come about as a result of sharing to the community that we love so much, the knowledge that we feel will make it stronger.

This thoughtless act of giving is now drawing an incredible audience of people we are associated with in business, as well, we are developing an extensive external audience.

People are learning that Matt Hemple and Greg Nicholls love being people of service to our community, a community itself that gives so greatly and freely and is of such great service to so many people around the World.

It is amazing how so many people are now being attracted to our individual businesses because of the leadership that we are demonstrating in what we are doing here.

Our personal bank accounts are being very positively affected and so are the bank accounts of everyone that chooses to do business with us.

This is a pure demonstration of being in service; freely giving to our community and as a result, our personal and our teams success is just a by-product.

I would encourage you to be a stand to express what you love, teach it freely, give a gift to people that they can benefit from and your passion will be energized as a result.

The business that Matt and I are pursuing has given us the time and money freedom to pursue this passion of giving knowledge back, in service to our community, now you have permission to do the same for your community too.

Experience for yourself how Effective Marketing 101 shows you how you can do what you love and make money; come work with us today and change your life too.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. Take your passion to the top of this page, fill in the form and begin to pursue your passion with the knowledge you will receive from Effective Marketing 101.

Effective Marketing 101 Testimonial

Al H. From British Columbia says:

"...The Effective Marketing 101 Training Sessions that Greg and Matt put on are Awesome...(I) learned so much...(sessions) are really excellent...I will be involved in all the rest of the programs..."

Listen to what Al has to say...

While you are listening, go to the top of this Blog and fill in the form today, so now you can begin to benefit from Effective Marketing 101.

Effective Marketing 101 Testimonial

John P. - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

" is very effective...level of detail is excellent...good info on strategy...I think it is worthwhile."

Listen to John's comments now!

While you are listening, go to the top of this Blog and fill in the form today, so now you can begin to benefit from Effective Marketing 101.

Effective Marketing 101 Testimonial

"Greg and Matt,

You are doing an OUTSTANDING job with your EM101 series. I am a total newbie to the topics you are covering and I find the format your are using and the simple way of explaining these tools and how they fit together extremely easy to understand and apply. For the first time I am asking myself what am I passionate about that I want to share with the world and be the "expert" about in the public arena. I feel competent enough with what you've taught me to put them into action.
Many thanks for your excellent service!!!"

Lisa B. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Listen to Lisa Now, click play below...

While you are listening, go to the top of this Blog and fill in the form today, so now you can begin to benefit from Effective Marketing 101.

How You Can Use This Blog To Increase The Popularity Of Your Blog

Effective Marketing 101 Tip

I am going to let you know a little tip and teach you how you can use this Blog to increase the popularity of your Blog.

Do you see at the bottom of each entry the "comments" link?

Feel free to leave a comment about any or all of the entries on this Blog and it will create link popularity to your site and give people that visit this site an opportunity to visit your Blog.

Cool Huh?

This is also a way to communicate with us here at Effective Marketing 101 and a way you can supplement the knowledge base that we are providing here so other people can benefit from your knowledge too.

You can also create a "Link" to this page, this linking process will really skyrocket your Blog popularity too.

So jump down to the bottom of any of the Blog entries on this page now and leave a Comment and create a Link.

Now you know how you can use this Blog to increase the popularity of your Blog.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises – Effective Marketing 101

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises –

Learn How Your Blogs and Ezine Articles Can Become Podcasts

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

The essence of Effective Marketing 101 is leveraging a single marketing idea and turning it into an effective marketing piece. In this training series segment, you will learn how your Blogs and Ezine Articles can become Podcasts.

A strategy is beginning to unfold in front of you; you are becoming further aware of the simple yet effective methods of marketing and how they can all tie in together.

Adding Podcasting into the Effective Marketing fold is quite simple, as are the rest of additional components that we will introduce over the next few weeks.

What is a Podcast?

In simple terms, a Podcast is just an RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) with a combination of some writing, a recording, or some video attached to it. Not much different than a Blog or and Ezine Article.


To create a Podcast; simply use the information that you have in your Blog and/or Ezine Article.

Think about it for just a moment...

All you have to do is record your voice, as you review what you wrote in your Blog, or Ezine Article, then use that recording, along with your text to form your Podcast.


The extremely simple method that I use for Podcasting and highly recommend for much more that Podcasting, is Audio Acrobat, check out the "free trial," this site contains everything that you need to record and submit your Podcast (including live training on how to use it) to all the Podcast directories and Audio Acrobat properly formats your Podcast for the very popular iPod+iTunes Store site, then to the left, click on "Podcasts". Here is how our Podcast appears on iTunes, click here you may need to download iTunes, but you are going to want to do that to publish there anyway.

We cover these aspects and much more in our Effective Marketing 101 Training Series, so subscribe for free today at the top of this page. When you do, you will learn how your Blogs and Ezine Articles can become Podcasts, how they can tie into everything else you do for marketing and much, much more.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises – Effective Marketing 101

PS. Here are some links for you PodShow is one source, FeedBurner is another, and many more, just type "Podcast Directory" in any major search engine to find one.
Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises –

Podcasting - What Can I Say?

Well, anything really.

Podcasting is ever increasing in popularity, this unique tool that was originally for the "American Idol" closet musician, high school student, or computer geek is now and very quickly presenting itself in the mainstream.

Effective Marketing 101 will get into some great detail in our next Effective Marketing 101 Training Series on Podcasting, adding to the already impressive collection of Blogs and Ezine Articles.

Effective Marketing 101 demonstrates how you can, as an effective marketer, utilize this popular medium in combination with six other marketing strategies to catapult your business from where you are, to where you want to be.

Race to the top of this form and subscribe to the detailed information that will give you a very strong basic knowledge in marketing; one you will build on to build a fortune in your business.

Click this link to check out Our Podcast:

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises -

PS: To hear our podcast on Blogs, feel free to click this link:

All You Are Missing Is A Good Idea

Keep plugged in to your possible future, it is hope that will keep you on course. Right now it would seem to me that all you are missing is a good idea. I would encourage you to sit down in a quiet place, then think about some things that make you happy, when you “feel good” then begin to think “if I could do something that would make me feel good and make great money doing, what would it be?” Allow every idea to flow, when one comes into your mind that feels good and seems to stick, no matter what it is, know that it is possible for you to materialize that.

Next, be in a place where you are “grateful in advance” for the things that you are “in the process of attaining”. You see my friend, you get what you focus on and if you focus on what you don’t want, like having lost one job and “failed since” this will continue to happen to you until you begin to focus on what you would truly like to have.

I would encourage you to write down your “Ultimate Day” this would be the best day of your life yet to come, be detailed and know that you can be, do and have anything that you want. Allow yourself to experience in your mind having attained this, live in the moment. If you choose to focus on your ultimate day, each morning and night, then your subconscious mind will go to work to make your ultimate day materialize. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not, it only goes by the feelings that you keep presenting thinking that you want more of that, good or bad.

What does all this have to do with effective marketing?

If right now you are in a mindset that is contrary to what you want to have in life and you place ads that you do not believe will lead you to what is possible, then you will continue to produce a result that is not what you truly desire.

Often times all you are missing is a good idea, well you are presented with one in this writing. Get in the right mindset and your life will produce the great things that you know you deserve to receive.

In Your Service

Greg Nicholls

PS. Be sure to get the information, a good idea, that will enable effective marketing ideas in you, fill out the form at the top of this page and begin to benefit from the knowledge that will supplement your marketing efforts.

How To Increase Your Blog Traffic - Claim Your Blog

There are a number of ways to validate or "claim" your blog.

One method I use is

They will have you join their site, enter in your Blog URL and then go through the process of "claiming your blog".

I have used the second option they offer for proving you are the owner of the Blog as a demonstration in this Blog Entry.

All I had to do is highlight the html code, copy it, then paste it into the "Edit HTML" section of my Blog, Publish the entry and I am done.

This will assist you in getting your blog ranked higher.

The Link will look like this:

Technorati Profile

Keep Blogging!

Greg Nicholls

How To Become An Expert Ezine Article Author

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

If you want to know how to become an Expert Ezine Article Author, there are some very basic things that you want to do, to ensure you get great exposure and we are going to cover most of them in a very general but complete way.

Much like a Blog, you want to cover topics that you know and consider yourself an expert on, only with Ezine Articles, they can be much longer, make your article between 500-1000 words.

The title of your Ezine will make up the URL, so pick your Title knowing that the Keywords and/or Keyphrases are often sought after for your given subject. That being said, you do not want the top Keywords/phrases, rather the ones picked second or third down the list in popularity in the effort to deal with less competition.

When you are creating your Ezine Article, you will be given an opportunity to separately enter in Keywords/phrases, so you can create your article and use Keywords and/or Keyphrases that are related to, but not included in your article.

It is important to know that an Ezine Article is not to be a blatant plug for your business, product, or service; you are to demonstrate your expertise on the topic at hand. There is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself in the "third person" in the "Author's Bio Section" and if someone received value from the information that you provided, they may visit your website to obtain additional insight and information from you.

Pick your Category carefully; be sure to place your article in the category your subject is written on, or your article will either be rejected or just not viewed very often.

Be specific, but general at the same time. I once wrote an article that got republished in a competitors newsletter, receiving full authors credit because it was good information for their people and yes, some of their people came to work with me because I am the expert.

So you see, there is quite a bit of a difference between a Blog and an Ezine Article, but both will prove to be great tools to promote your business.

If you want to see some examples of Ezine Articles, feel free to visit and read some of my articles at

For more information on how to become an expert Ezine Article Author, go to the top of this blog and subscribe to my weekly issue of Effective Marketing 101.

Greg Nicholls

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. - Get all the tips, tricks and insights on how to become an "Effective Marketer" by subscribing to the the weekly issue of "Effective Marketing 101" by filling in the form at the top of this Blog.

Learn How To Use A Blog To Market Your Business

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

You can use a Blog to market your business and get high ranking on all the top search engines if you know what to do; you are in luck, we will show you a few of the top things you can do to get yourself on the first few pages in days.

The reason that Blog pages do so well in the search rankings on the Internet, is that the information is typically up-to-date, the writer usually is intimate with their topics, the readers tend to “stick” to the pages, as the topic matter is relevant to their search and so on.

The way you can use this to your advantage in your business is to make sure that you write on subject matter that is relevant to your business; my business is all about marketing the company that I work with and the products that I represent.

For example, I could simply suggest that you click on the Banner Ad (I will talk more about Banner Advertising in future communications) at the bottom of this Blog page (if you do not know what one is, quickly scroll down and check it out) to see a bit more of the type of business that I market; the company I represent is awesome and the product is second to none. I could also direct you to visit my Personal and Professional Coaching website’s Blog series called the “Coached To Success Blog” that is listed as a feed at the bottom of this Blog.

See how easy it is?

You see, Blogs are an awesome tool for you to continually communicate your message and if the information is useful and the people reading it are receiving a benefit from them, they will continue to return to your Blog, they could even decide to subscribe to an RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) of your Blog, basically get updated as soon as you publish new information.
So your Blog continues to receive high ranking and frequent repeat visitors, publish a new writing about twice per week, no more than once every five days, every day or two is best, but you want to keep it manageable.

Write your keywords/key phrases in the title, the first paragraph and the last paragraph, as the search engines will look there when indexing your Blog. I put them in bold Italics to make them easy to spot.

Lastly, keep it to 500 words or less (this Blog is 483 words); you want your Blog to be interesting, but also to the point.

I hope this Blog has shown you how to use a Blog to market your business but really, this is just the tip of the iceberg; now go to the top of this Blog, fill in the form and get access to my eBook and Streaming Audio for the real meat and potatoes.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises – Effective Marketing 101

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises –

PS - PS notes are good to put into your Blog too, they can re-emphasize a request, or suggestion that you made in your Blog, as a "call to action". Like I suggested for you to go to the top of this Blog, fill in the form and get access to my eBook and Streaming Audio for the real meat and potatoes. Now you are starting to get it.

PPS - Blogs are free and they work!

You Can Get Paid To Market Your Business

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

The first thing that I want to point out to you is that you can get paid to market your business and in this blog, we are going to cover a couple very basic ways to do this.

One way is AdSense (see the example to the left of this blog near the top, just below the Big Green Button) is one way to get paid for marketing and advertising, you have probably seen AdSense ads all over the place. What they are are content related ads that people pay to advertise for, the ad on the left side of this blog is a demonstration of what an AdSense Ad looks like. If you want to get signed up with AdSense, click on that Big Green Button on the top left of this Blog page and Google will begin to send you money when people click on the ads you post on your websites, blogs, etc.

Since Google makes money when people click on the ads, they tend to give greater ranking to sites that have AdSense placed on their web pages, over sites that do not. So go to the Big Green Button on the top left of this Blog page and get Google AdSense.

Another way to get paid for stuff while you market your site, is to be a referal for products you would recommend that people buy, like books and DVD's; items that are relevant to what you are discussing on your website.

For example, Amazon has a referral program and will allow you to setup a "Book Store" where people can go to buy the books you recommend and you get paid a small percentage. Here is their link so you can get your book store up and running: You can see some of the individual links to books on the left side of this blog too. Feel free to buy them :)

There are many other affiliate programs out there, these are just a couple that I use that assist people in developing their business while keeping their costs down.

To learn more about how you can get paid to market your business and to get a full list of links to amazing affiliate programs that will pay to to market them while assisting those you are marketing to, fill out the form at the top of this Blog and get my eBook and Streaming Audio on this topic.

In Your Service,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises - Effective Marketing 101

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises

Welcome to Effective Marketing 101

How To Implement Free And Effective Marketing And Advertising Methods Into Your Business.

The topic will be explained over about a 3-4 week period (so you are not bogged down with too much info all at once) and it all starts now.

You will learn all about MySpace, Blogs, YouTube, Ezine Articles, Podcasts, RSS Feeds, Newsletters, eBooks, eStream Downloads, Banner Advertising, Free Classifieds, Business Card Flyers, Resource Pages and have access to all the associated links and websites.

Plus, you will get a full explanation about what all these things are, how simple they are to do, how effective they are, how they all tie in together, where to find all the resources, but best of all, demonstrate that they are all free and effective.

When we are done, you will be an expert in this area too and your business will rocket forward with momentum and activity.

We will talk about how to take this type of information and make it so someone would become a subscriber to get the expert level information that you now have, after all, it is all about getting prospects for our businesses, right?

But what if they paid you to become a prospect?

You will learn about how to do that too!

The "How To Implement Free And Effective Marketing And Advertising Methods Into Your Business" series will be an awesome series to be on. So if you are serious about being successful in your business and want to learn how to do it low cost and effectively, then be sure to subscribe to this feed.

Best Regards,

Greg Nicholls
Nicholls Enterprises

Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises